Some of the Tiers to Help Guide You During Your Time at Rough House
Tier One
Obtain Sponsor & meet with them weekly. If your sponsor is not available one week, you may meet with the Executive Director.
Attend 5 Recovery Meetings a week. Pick a Home Group. Obtain a service position in the group.
Meetings that can be counted towards total: 12-Step Mtgs, Sober events, Sponsor meetings, Three IOP’s count as 1 meeting.
On probation? Provide PO contact information and report to the Executive Director conditions of your probation.
Find Employment or career opportunity, prefer weekdays (Mon-Fri). Attending 12-Semester units of school counts.
Participate in house group activities and meetings. Sunday 3pm to 8pm
Be out of the house between 10am and 3pm Monday through Saturday
Nightly Curfew is 10pm 7-days a week.
Tier Two
Obtain 30-days of sobriety and meet all Tier One conditions.
Continue to meet with your Sponsor weekly. If your Sponsor is not available one week, you may meet with the Executive Director.
Attend 4 Recovery Meetings a week. Inform Executive Director/Mgr your home group for accountability that you’re attending weekly. Continue with service position.
Meetings that can be counted towards total: 12-Step Mtgs, Sober events, Sponsor meetings, Three IOP’s count as 1 meeting.
On probation? Provide PO contact information and report to the Executive Director conditions of your probation.
Continue with employment or career opportunities, if you leave employment, find one in 30 days or return to Tier One. Attending 12-Semester units of school counts.
Participate in house group activities and meetings. Sunday 3pm to 8pm. Take a leadership role in the meetings.
Be out of the house between 10am and 3pm Monday through Saturday
Nightly Curfew is 10:30pm 7-days a week.
Tier Three
Obtain 90-days of sobriety and meet all Tier One & Two conditions.
Continue to meet with your Sponsor weekly. If your Sponsor is not available one week, you may meet with the Executive Director.
Attend 4 Recovery Meetings a week. Inform Executive Director/Mgr your home group for accountability that you’re attending weekly. Have two service positions a week.
Meetings that can be counted towards total: 12-Step Mtgs, Sober events, Sponsor meetings, Three IOP’s count as 1 meeting.
On probation? Provide PO contact information and report to the Executive Director conditions of your probation.
Continue with employment or career opportunities, if you leave employment, find one in 30 days or return to Tier One. Attending 12-Semester units of school counts.
Participate in house group activities and meetings. Sunday 3pm to 8pm. Take a leadership role in the meetings. Take a leadership role in Family Dinner.
Be out of the house between 10am and 3pm Monday through Saturday
Nightly Curfew is 11pm during the week and Midnight 12am on Friday and Saturday. Permission for extension of curfew must be attained 48 hours in advance.
Overnights are allowed for an evening, provided that 48 hours notice is given i.e. no calling from being out to say you’ll be out all night.